SSCP Student Resources
SSCP Guide to Academic Twitter [click here to download]
Mental Health Resource Document for Graduate Students [click here to download]
Internship Directory:
The Internship Directory of Training Opportunities for Clinical Psychology Interns provides unique information not available elsewhere, including research opportunities and training in empirically supported interventions. The last edition of the directory was published in 2019. SSCP members can access the directory here.
Internship Interview Hotel and Transportation Match:
Each year, SSCP organizes a hotel and transportation match for internship applicants. This allows interested students to search for and contact potential roommates and/or carpool buddies and cut down on the costs associated with internship interview process. The internship interview match is announced on the listserv each fall.
Student Mentorship Program Guide:
Interested in becoming a student mentor or mentee? Click here for a list of mentorship programs. Know of a mentorship program that is not on the list? Please add it here.
Internship and Postdoctoral Guides:
Virtual Lunch Series:
SSCP regularly features a video series on clinical science hosted by leaders in the field. We hope this series offers everyone a chance to hear some great clinical science and participate in a field-wide discussion! The video series can be accessed here.